Royal Tea Garden
Royal Tea Garden is well known Tea Beverage Brand in Taiwan with no. 2 market share. It specially launched limited version for Hong Kong region in order to cater Hong Kong people taste profile.
Royal Tea Garden is made by premium tea leaf without preservatives and colours to ensure customer can taste the most natural tea taste and sweet aftertaste.

御茶園冷山茶王 – 2019全新電視廣告
誠邀香港著名廣告及MV導演,Crossfade Creative 創辦人及總監鍾偉權先生拍攝,鍾偉權導演擁多個製作大型廣告及音樂MV的經驗,曾與多個藝人如黎明、張敬軒、陳柏宇、吳業坤、G.E.M等合作。更榮獲多個獎項及提名,包括台灣第十九屆金曲獎最佳音樂錄影帶導演獎提名、第9 屆香港獨立短片錄像比賽金獎等等。本次鍾偉權導演以輕鬆幽默手法帶出御茶園冷山茶王令人一試難忘的口感,希望為消費者帶來更深刻印象。